Friday, October 23, 2015

Achieve your goals in 5 steps

17 Simple Habits That Make You Look More Professional

1. Confidence

2. Candor

3. Self-awareness

4. Strategic thinking

5. Anticipation

6. Caring

7. Realism

8. Follow-through

9. Enthusiasm

10. Diligence

11. Performance

12. Discretion

13. Curiosity

14. Risk-taking

15. Humor

16. Fitness

17. Authenticity

Saturday, September 12, 2015

11 Things to Remember When You Think You’re Not Good Enough

1. Life is about progress, not perfection. Strive for excellence!

Life is perfectly imperfect. Striving for perfection is not necessarily a bad thing – it makes you reach higher and work harder. However, it’s a goal that can be rather unattainable and you will always be working on being “perfect”. This may leave you feeling like you are “not good enough”, especially in a world where the race toward “perfectionism” usually involves losing who you truly are to emulate what others think you should be.
Instead, strive for excellence. Excellence is far superior and you can create the level of personal excellence that works for you and where you are.  Most of us are juggling so many tasks in so many areas that we cannot possibly perfect in every area and still be happy, but we attain excellence and it’s far more rewarding!

2. What you do right NOW can create a better outcome.
Nothing is written in stone, unless it’s in the past. Even then we can change the way we perceive it. We can’t truly predict the future, because it’s ever changing based on what we do right now.
The best way to move forward is to be present and put our full focus on the now in a positive manner. When we feel good about the things that are going well and display gratitude for what we have we allow for more of those good things to come to us.
The same is true when we focus on negative, however, positive thinking is much more powerful and reigns supreme. In fact, some say it is 1000x stronger. So, no matter what happened,, be grateful you are still here to correct it and move forward. Take this time, even if it’s an eensy-weensy minute, and take a deep breath, focus on the good and allow yourself the ability to help create a better outcome.

3. Positive thinking is your birthright.
No matter what situation you are in, positive thinking can and will always come to your rescue if you allow it. The power of positivity is a gift to us from divine energy. Divine energy is nothing BUT positive energy.
If you want things to turn around for your highest good you must keep your faith, release fear, and keep your focus on solutions. Positive thinking is your birthright. It can always improve any situation, no matter how dire it may appear.

4. There is more RIGHT with you than wrong with you.
Even during your struggles, don’t forget to focus on your strengths. Too often our culture looks at each other’s “weaknesses” and wants to put focus on improving them. While having a balanced mind, body and soul is important some of our weaknesses exist to balance some of our greatest strengths.
When we switch our focus to what is right about ourselves, we could probably write down a long list. In fact, if you need to do that exercise, do it! Focus on your strengths and what you do well. In the areas that you could improve, be reasonable with yourself and if it’s an area you truly believe you need to improve create action steps to do so. Either way, there IS more right with you than wrong with you.

5. Everyone makes mistakes!
The positive perspective and the real truth about mistakes are that they are an opportunity to teach us something and allow us to grow.  At times they can also point out our weaknesses so that we can grow stronger in that area. We are students here and mistakes are evidence we are trying and doing the best we can.
When we continually learn and grow from our mistakes we begin to see bigger success in our life, more fulfillment and true and lasting happiness. Success takes work and mistakes are part of that.

6. Remember you are exactly where you need to be right now.
It may not seem like it, but the entire Universe has orchestrated itself to create your life where it is right now.  It may not be where you want to be right now, but sometimes you have to go through a bit of bramble to get to the clover field.
So when you feel like you’ve failed or that you’ll never reach your goals, remind yourself that the Universe didn’t say no, it just said not yet. Continually remind yourself that you are in the perfect place right now, and continue moving forward in faith.

7. Be kind and gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.
You don’t have to beat yourself up over not “getting there” fast enough, or as fast as the people you wish to be like. As long as you can come away at the end of the day knowing you gave it your all, that’s all anyone can truly do.  Your light is shining, no matter how small the flame.  Even if your flame is the smallest in the world, it will still cut through the darkest night.
You could even think of a flower garden.  Each flower blooms at it’s own pace and shows it’s unique beauty as it does so.  Continue reaching for the light, allowing yourself to be nurtured.  Much like the flower, your life will come into bloom as well.

8. You deserve your own unconditional love and forgiveness.                                                                                                       
Begrudging yourself or holding on to negative thoughts about yourself will not bring you justice – the grief and pain will only end up affecting you.
Let go of the bitterness and resentment towards yourself or your situation. Let go of the negative feelings and remove the focus and attention to the unwanted. Forgiving yourself for making a mistake and allowing yourself to “love YOU no matter what” is wonderful. It will lead you to even more positive feelings of understanding, compassion and empathy, allowing you to grow into a better experience.

9. There’s always a solution, keep looking!
Sometimes you might feel like you’ve reached the end of the road. Lucky for you, there’s always a small dirt path called faith that you can continue to follow when times get tough.
Follow a path of positive faith and just watch new solutions appear. It may be a simple solution, and it may only be a part of the solution that you need to put together. The puzzle pieces are always there – it’s up to you to put the picture in place.
10. The only comparing and competing you should be doing is with yourself.
As mentioned multiple times throughout this article, there’s no need to try to compete or catch up with those who are in your field.  Be the best version of YOU.  Be the change you want to see in YOURSELF.  Allow the future vision of YOU to be your hero.
11. You can’t always change things, but you can ALWAYS change the way you look at things.
The present moment was created as a collective manifestation of your past thoughts, words and actions.  Sometimes, this can be so tough that you may feel like you’re not good enough to get through it, and if you’re reflecting on the reality that you’ve created, it may even make you feel like you’re not good enough to handle your co-creative ability.
The bottom line is that times can get tough – but there’s nothing wrong with believing you’re tougher.  Because when you believe you ARE good enough to create the life you desire, and you believe that YOU ARE good enough to make it through any situation.  When this happens, the way you look at things suddenly change, and before you know it.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

17 Simple Habits That Make You Look More Professional

1. Confidence

This was the biggest problem with the pilot's performance that day. Confidence without the ability to back it up is useless, but if you’re truly competent, own it.

2. Candor

Truly professional people are forthright. They check the situation, calculate the risks, and offer a truthful opinion.

3. Self-awareness

This is a part of displaying confidence -- knowing who you are and where you fit in the world, and owning your strengths and weaknesses. If you do that, you can work to buttress the things you don't do as well.

4. Strategic thinking

One of the basic tenets of success is to start with the end in mind. Truly professional people identify their goals, then work backward to achieve them.

5. Anticipation

Just know that focusing on others' needs to the point that you can anticipate their challenges and solutions breeds confidence.

6. Caring

Related to anticipation: You can't truly help others if you can't bother to learn about their goals and fears.

7. Realism

"Promise me the world," the song goes. That may be a way to get the boy or girl of your dreams to pay attention, but it does nothing to make you look professional. Instead, promise the most you can, consistent with your ability to deliver.

8. Follow-through

See what I mean? These attributes are simple but not necessarily easy. Say you'll do something, then do it.

9. Enthusiasm

This one is inspired by reader comments , when I said Pollyannaishness was unprofessional. Smart enthusiasm, on the other hand, is a very positive quality. Colin Powell put it best: Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

10. Diligence

This is related to follow-through, but it's not exactly the same thing. Be persistent, demonstrate worth ethic, and check small things.

11. Performance

Nothing says "professional" like accomplishments, especially repeated accomplishments over time.

12. Discretion

Caring and self-awareness, combined with good communications ability, leads to prudence and the ability to be candid without giving offense.

13. Curiosity

No professional is ever finished learning.

14. Risk-taking

I hesitated to put this on here, out of fear of giving the wrong impression. Risk-taking doesn't mean being risky in the negative sense. Instead it’s about the realization that all courses of action involve some risk, and balancing that realization against the paralyzation of inaction.

15. Humor

You don’t need to be hilarious, but you need a sense of humor; it demonstrates perspective.

16. Fitness

This is unfortunate but true. If someone looks as if he or she doesn’t care about their health, it’s a lot harder to project professionalism -- and with it, the notion that they care about other things.

17. Authenticity

It’s good entrepreneurial advice to “fake it till you make it,” but your performance needs to be grounded in truth. Otherwise, no matter your skills, your deficits, your interests -- or frankly, even the things you aren’t interested in -- people can tell.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

25 Life Truths You Must Know Before You Turn 25

  1. Your work or job doesn’t determine your worth.

2. Everybody’s life is difficult. You’re not the only one.

3. Nobody has the time to keep a count of your mistakes. So, chill. 
4. You will lose old Friends and make new ones and it will all be okay.

5. You will not always find like-minded people and you will have to work for people with 
contrasting viewpoints

6. Following your dreams is not selfish.

7. Kindness is not overrated. It can never be.

8. You will have your heart broken a couple of times.
9. You might not even end up with your first true love. But it is okay, for you will realize that love is much more than romance.
10. Time heals everything. No, really.

11. Everybody needs help at one point or the other, and it is okay to ask for it.

12. Even the smallest savings make a difference in the long run.

13. Being well-dressed is important .Your clothes don’t make you a better person, but they definitely add to your personality.

14. Sometimes, people just fall out of love. And more often than that, they fall in love with 
the wrong people.

15. Money can’t buy happiness. Contentment, most definitely not.

16. There is always enough time to exercise.

17. Most things you worry about right now won’t even matter eventually.

18. You will never have enough. You will always want more.

19. This is the time when you will have your most amazing travel memories.

20. There is no ‘right’ time to do anything. It is when you decide it is.

21. Respect is harder to earn than money.

22. It is never too late to quit your job and do what you love.

23. You will soon realize your parents were right about most things in life.
24. Nobody is going to transform you into a better, more successful person. You need to do it yourself.

25. confidence will take you places.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

21 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think

You have a place to lay your head at night.
 If you have a roof over your head, you are doing better than much of the world already. Unfortunately, many people don’t have a home to call their own, or a home to go to at all. Consider yourself blessed if you have a shelter of some sort and a place to rest your head every night.
You have a job.
 While most people have jobs, there are still many people in the world who can’t find a way to bring in money. If you have a job, even if it doesn’t pay what you want at the moment, at least you have some money to support yourself and your family.
You have water to drink and food to eat.
 If you have access to drinkable water and a grocery store, you are very well off. Water and food sustain our lives, so make sure to practice gratitude the next time to sit down for a meal or drink a cold glass of water.
You are healthy.
Even if you have a cold or flu, you probably still recover fairly quickly. If you don’t have a life-threatening illness and have a reasonably strong immune system, you’re doing pretty good.
You have the freedom to do what you want in life.
 If you wanted to leave the country today, you could. You would just need a passport and a plane ticket, but that’s it. You have the choice to do what you want with your life, and some countries in the world don’t give their citizens this privilege. You can literally follow whatever path your heart desires.
You can see.
If you’re reading this article, you’re pretty blessed. You can wake up each morning to a beautiful sunrise and watch the animals outside your window wake up with you.
You’re alive.
 This one’s pretty self-explanatory, but if you’re a breathing being on this planet, you get to experience this life in all its glory, and that’s definitely something to rejoice.
You have a family.
 Whether things go wrong or right in your life, family will always be there for you.
You have at least one good friend.
 If you have even one person to talk to and share good times with, you’re lucky. Good friends can get you through hard times and make the good times even better.
You have some form of transportation.
Even if you don’t have a car, you probably know someone who can bring you where you need to go, or you have access to a bus or taxi. Most people take this for granted, but not everybody has reliable transportation in the world. If you do, remind yourself how lucky you are next time you drive somewhere or get on the bus.
You know how to read and write.
Reading often takes us to new lands and expands our imaginations; reading is a fun way to get away without even leaving your room. Also, writing helps many people get their goals organized or let out bottled up emotions, which can greatly help your well-being.
You have clothes to wear.
 I know I have too many clothes to choose from, and I often take that for granted. If you have at least some jeans, a few shirts, and some pajamas, you’re doing pretty good.
You know what you’re passionate about. A lot of people struggle to find their life purpose or ultimate dreams. If you know what yours is already, you are among only a handful of people who do.
You have enough money to support your basic needs. If you have enough money to afford food, water, clothing, and a home, you have all the wealth you could ever need.
You feel relatively safe and protected. If you live in a country that protects your right to safety, you’re doing better than you think.
You have a pet or know someone who does. Pets can be therapeutic and great companions for humans. If you have a pet to come home to or have a friend or family member with a pet, you are blessed to have the company of a furry friend in your life!
You have a phone. Today, phones play a huge part in people’s lives. If you have one, you can likely surf the web, stay connected with friends, check emails, and the list goes on. While phones can be distracting and there’s a lot of negativity surrounding them, they also allow you to get help in case of an emergency, and give you directions when you’re driving. I’d say they are a pretty relevant invention.
You can listen to music. Music heals the mind, body and soul and gives us a way to bond with one another. It can also help us through tough times in life – music is everywhere if you just listen J
You have traveled places. A lot of people actually never leave their country or even their city, so if you have traveled, you have seen more of the world than most people.
You can move your body. If you can get up, walk around, and exercise, you’re doing pretty well in life.
You have a park or nature trail nearby. Most people have access to a park or nature trail near their home. Nature is healing in many ways and can give you a “reset” if you’re feeling stressed. Make sure to thank the Earth next time you feel the sun on your face or wander into the forest for a while!

Now that you’ve read this list, you’ll surely remember that even if you’re feeling the lack, you’ll see the mass of abundance all around you every day.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


This Is a story of a young guy. who belongs from a healthy background. who Dreams to become a successful person.. Who dreams to create history. Basically he's a day dreamer as he literally dreams not actually taking any single step towards his dreams. He read motivational stories But lack of maturity, lack of Guideness, non seriousness are the hurdles of his life. Even after gathering knowlege from inspirational and motivational stories he was not aware of his life goal. He was not having a clear future direction. Even if he haS a clear goal his family was able to support him. But when it comes to his goal.  his goal was invisible to him too. After some time he started searching his life goal from his entire past but he got nothing tht make sense to clearify his goal. He started searching his goal from the inspirational stories. and he got nothng from there too. few years later when he came to point that whatever have to happen will happen he cant help himself. He just put his life on a track which he named ''NoTHing is in our hands ''. Later with time he came to a point where he realised he can do anything with positive mind. And same problem arised again that what should he do. He again started searching something to put his postive mind on. Once he saw a boy of his age pushing a heavy rock but he failed no. Of times nd was not able to move that rock even a inch. Then he decided to Mark a fullstop to the work he waS doing. Then the boy just Decided to do the same work tht a boy of his age stopped after Failing many times. Then he started pushing the rock nd didnt succeded the boy who just failed. Smiled and said him that he is not able.  But he didnt stopped after no.  Of times he Failed and at last he succeded. Thn a thought came to his mind that if he Have to start finding a failed person and a work in which he failed. And his journey started for FINDING FAILURE. (Journey is just started author is finding failure till today..Story will complte in few years  .wait.. Readers)

MORAL - we waste our life finding best of us. and ignore settingup a goal.